вторник, 11 ноября 2008 г.

10 Yoga Poses An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All

10 Yoga Poses An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All

The benefits of practicing Yoga are broadly that is for everyone. Many people will think that Yoga is only suited for those who are flexible and bendy. In fact, Yoga is versatility and it has different levels from beginner to expert. If a pose is too hard for you, you could try other variants that are easier for you. Yoga greatly increases a person balance, flexibility and muscle strength. Indeed, it, in turn, reduces your everyday stress and depression.

There are some yoga poses that are suited for the beginner to get started without any difficult moves.

1. Cat Pose :

Cat Pose is easy for the beginner to get started. it is beneficial to the flexibility of your spine, strengthening your wrist, shoulder and abdominal muscles. At the start, resting your hands and knees on the mat. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your knees under the hips. Fingers splay wide. Inhale and Exhale Deeply, Gently lifting up your spine and pull your ab muscles in towards your spine. make sure that your spine is curved as an arch. move your head downwards in between your arms. Then return it back to your starting position. Repeat this moves at least 10-15 times.

2. Cow Pose :

This is a follow-up pose for the Cat Pose. At the beginning, Resting your hands and knees on the mat that is the same as the Cat Pose. Arch your spine gently and press your belly down towards the ground. Raise your head and gaze forward. These movements should be pair with the cat pose as cat-cow sequences.

3. Child Pose :

This pose stretches your legs, back, and upper torso muscles. First at all, kneeling on the mat and let your butt settle back onto your heels. Bring your torso forward touching your top of your thighs. Pushing your arms forward and resting on the mat. Inhale and Exhale Deeply. Hold it at least 3-5 breath cycle.

4. Extended Puppy Pose :

To start this pose, Again resting your hands and knees on the mat. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your knees under the hips. Then move your hands out towards to the front on the mad. Keep your hips on top of the knee and resting your forehead on the mat. This moves could release the stress of your day.

5. Corpse Pose :

Laying comfortably on your back. Resting your arms with palms facing upwards. Relax, Roll your head and neck. Stretch your arms and legs. Keep Inhale and Exhale deeply. This simple pose could help you relieve the stress of day.

6. Lotus Pose :

Sitting on the mat naturally in a cross-legged position. Lift your feet placed on opposing thighs. The sole of your feet should be facing upwards. Keep your Knee Down. Put your Hands on the Knees and your palms should be facing upwards. Head facing forward with eyes closed. Keep your spine straight. Relax with natural breathing.

7. Legs Up the Wall :

Turn your Legs against the wall. Keep your legs straight. Your head, neck, and spine resting on the mat. Arms resting beside you and your hands holding your waist. Make sure your bottom touching the wall and your toes facing towards your head.

8. Chair Pose :

Standing tall with feet slightly apart. Arms raise and parallel to each other. Keep your torso long and spine straight. Sink your tailbone down towards the mat. Your thighs should be parallel with the floor. Hold it at least 3-5 breath cycles.

yoga pose

9. Warrior Pose :

Bend your front leg so that your upper thigh perpendicular to the floor. Keep your back leg straight and gaze forward. Raise your arms straight up to the ceiling. Palms open with fingers positioned.

10. Locust Pose :

Lie face down on the mat. Rest your arms facing the bottom of the mat and palms facing upwards. lift your legs and chests up from the floor. Gaze forward and neck relaxed.

Original article and pictures take www.shopperbit.net site

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