среда, 20 сентября 2017 г.

Turn On, Tune In, Tone Up!

Turn On, Tune In, Tone Up!

Glued to the tube? You're not alone. American women spend, on average, more than five hours a day watching TV. Which made us think: What if you could use some of that prime time to fight flab? Here, Smallville actress Erica Durance shows you how to get into superhero shape without missing your favorite shows.


Weighted lunge

Works: legs, butt

Stand a few feet in front of couch, facing away from it, a dumbbell in each hand. Extend left leg behind you and rest top of foot on seat. Keeping torso tall, right knee over ankle, lower body until right thigh is parallel to floor (as shown). Return to start; complete reps and switch sides.

Victory press

Works: abs, arms, shoulders

Kneel on a pillow, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Bring arms out to sides, with elbows bent to 90 degrees and hands level with ears, palms forward. Contract abs as you press arms overhead (as shown). Return to start; repeat.

Torso twist

Works: abs, obliques

Sit on floor with legs extended and knees bent. Hold a pillow with both hands at chest level and lean back at a 45-degree angle. Maintain this position as you contract your abs and twist torso right (as shown) and then left to complete one rep. Repeat.

One-arm row

Works: back, arms

With couch on right, a dumbbell in left hand, place right knee on couch. Lower torso parallel to couch; place right hand on couch for support. Extend left arm to floor, palm facing in. Bend arm and lift elbow back to shoulder level so upper arm is parallel to floor. Extend arm straight back (as shown). Return to start and repeat reps; switch sides.

Incline push-up

Works: chest, abs, arms, shoulders

Start in push-up position with hands on chair or couch. Lower chest toward chair, keeping head aligned with spine (as shown). Push up until arms are straight but not locked. Repeat.

Abdominal curl

Works: abs

Lie faceup on floor, an arm's length from couch or sturdy chair. Lift feet off floor, knees together, and place a pillow between hamstrings and calves. Reach arms overhead and grip couch or chair leg with both hands (as shown). Contract abs as you curl knees toward chest. Release and repeat.

One-legged squat

Works: legs, butt

Stand facing chair or couch about 2 feet away. Place right foot on seat, arms raised at chest level, palms in. Keeping arms lifted throughout, lower into a squat as if sitting in a chair (as shown), being careful not to let left knee creep past toes. Return to start; do all reps; switch sides.

SELF New Year's Challenge

Original article and pictures take www.self.com site

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